2GO - No.2 - 86 cm / case length 91 cm

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€109.00 €87.20
Quick Overview

Traveling with fly rods and fly tackle can be very frustrating - I know this better than most – and this was also why I decided, in my early career as a designer and developer, to make the first 6-piece double hand rod that was ever put into a main production. Having more rod sections truly made a huge difference when traveling. Creating the 6-piece double hand rod gave me the insight into how to improve the blanks in a completely new way, thereby developing even better fly fishing rods with deeper and more stable action.

For many years, I have tried to solve another puzzle, namely the rod tube, so this too could be easier to pack, as well as serve another purpose aside from protecting the rod. In other words, I wanted to create the perfect “traveling case”.
It had to be light, easy to “stack and pack”, compact, yet strong and robust enough to handle the usual rigors of traveling. And yes... it simply had to look good!

The result is one of salmologic’s newest innovations, the 2go case. It is a Batman black aluminium travel case; a completely new and cool design for 2017 that is exclusive to salmologic. It is designed so that the rods can be accessed from either end. This travel case accommodates not just one, but two rods at once, making it ideal for the traveling fly fisherman.

Size no.2 - inside length 860mm/total length 910mm – inside dia. 74 mm X 52 mm
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