logic-6-54180-0.026 running line

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€78.00 €62.40
Quick Overview

Salmologic’s ranges of coated running lines are made on a Power flex core, and the coating used is an enhanced thermoset resin that provides an extreme slickness. The intricate fusion of core and coating has resulted in a complete memory free RL if handled correctly, meaning it should always be rolled loosely onto the reel at the end of a good day’s fishing.

During casting, the job of the running line is to maintain a lower speed than the upper line. For that reason, you should not choose a running line that is too thin and not heavy enough to fulfill its mission in the cast. A thin running line gives you less of a feeling of what is going on in the fly end of the business during the retrieve.

Logic Running Lines are designed with 4 feet of tapering in both ends of the line, which will allow you to have an overhang for longer casts, without killing the loop. This tapering will also provide a stable and amazing energy transfer when you are using it for double hauling.

At both ends of the Logic Running Lines, you will find our incredibly small, light and flexible loops, a trademark Henrik Mortensen has been using for many years. You will hardly notice the loops travelling in or out through the guides.

  • For line weights from 14 g/216 gr to 16 g/247 gr we recommend size 0.026”/LK 18 lbs
  • For line weights from 18 g/278 gr to 22 g/340 gr we recommend size 0.028”/LK 18 lbs
  • For line weights from 24 g/370 gr to 26 g/401 gr we recommend size 0.030”/LA 26 lbs
  • For line weights from 28 g/432 gr to 31 g/478 gr we recommend size 0.032”/LA 26 lbs
  • For line weights from 31 g/478 gr to 35 g/540 gr we recommend size 0.034”/LA 28 lbs
0.026/ length 30.0 m Pale Blue (4 feet tapered)
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