Nylon Tippet 27.3 yd/25 m - 28.7 lbs 0.40 mm

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€14.00 €11.20
Quick Overview

Great tippet material really makes a difference:

The salmologic tippet is crystal clear, durable, flexible, has high knot strength, and is especially smooth and soft. The characteristics “smooth and soft” are determining factors in how persuasive your fly will fish! As it is crystal clear, it will appear to have a translucent color when in the water and therefore blends with the color of the surroundings. This way, it will be as invisible as possible no matter what color your river might have.

Committing to a leader material is essential, because those last meters are the most important in your whole fly tackle setup.

We truly believe that this is the best Japanese co-polymer leader material on the market. That’s why we stock it. We offer it in the sizes ranging from 0.135 to 0.43 mm, which are the diameters that we use ourselves for trout-, sea trout- and salmon fishing anywhere in the world.

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