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€26.00 €20.80
Quick Overview

Henrik Mortensen is back at the world’s finest sea trout river – Rio Grande in Patagonia in southern Argentina in his 6th DVD. A dream come true for any angler! But this time Rio Grande is a genuine night mare: A swelling, brown river with temperatures several degrees below normal/standards. To most fly fishers that would mean a completely ruined trip. But not to Henrik.

Instead, the unusually high, cold and coloured river is the ultimate challenge to his inventiveness, creativity, and drive to find new ways. Thus he turns a disaster into success. And he shows you how in this DVD.

Henrik was planning for the kind of surface fishing that will blow you off your feet, but instead he had to settle with huge wet flies for the first week. During the second week temperatures gradually rose – and with that the chances of catching sea trout on other types of flies.

During a 10 days fishing period period Henrik goes from the huge Leech fly, over Sunray Shadows, the new Scandinavian fly type Mr. Pinky and nymphs to end up with a Green Machine dry fly on sinking line to the new and VERY promising skating dry fly – Titanic...

Henrik Mortensen is back at the world’s finest sea trout river – Rio Grande in Patagonia in southern Argentina in his 6th DVD. A dream come true for any angler! But this time Rio Grande is a genuine night mare: A swelling, brown river with temperatures several degrees below normal/standards. To most fly fishers that would mean a completely ruined trip. But not to Henrik.

Instead, the unusually high, cold and coloured river is the ultimate challenge to his inventiveness, creativity, and drive to find new ways. Thus he turns a disaster into success. And he shows you how in this DVD.

Henrik was planning for the kind of surface fishing that will blow you off your feet, but instead he had to settle with huge wet flies for the first week. During the second week temperatures gradually rose – and with that the chances of catching sea trout on other types of flies.

During a 10 days fishing period period Henrik goes from the huge Leech fly, over Sunray Shadows, the new Scandinavian fly type Mr. Pinky and nymphs to end up with a Green Machine dry fly on sinking line to the new and VERY promising skating dry fly – Titanic...

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